
Marriage at St. Peter’s

Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant between a man and a woman in the presence of God. In the Episcopal Church it is required that one, at least, of the parties must be a baptized Christian; that the ceremony be attested by at least two witnesses; and that the marriage conform to the laws of the State and the canons of this Church.

The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence and first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and his Church, and Holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people. The union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God.

We at St. Peter’s would be most happy to talk with you about marriage. Please look over the information below and then call the church office (540-338-7307) or email to discuss your plans.

Wedding Guidelines: Episcopal Weddings

If you are a member of St. Peter’s or you are interested in being married by the rector of St. Peter’s, this is the information you’ll need regarding an Episcopal wedding. Please read through these guidelines carefully and then give the office a call to work out the details of your wedding. We want to work with you both in preparing to take this major step in life and in planning and conducting the ceremony.  (Facility rental for weddings for non-members is also permitted)

Throughout these guidelines, you will find references to various forms and more detailed sources of information. Links to all of these are available at the end of the guidelines.


1. The Rector officiates at all weddings of members of St. Peter’s.

2. All scheduling of weddings must be approved by the Rector. Please wait to announce your wedding date until after the first meeting with the Rector. There are no weddings scheduled during Lent.

3. Weddings should be scheduled and confirmed as far in advance as possible. Please call the Parish Administrator at (540) 338-7307, to check on availability of a proposed date and to discuss the forms: (1) Facility Rental Agreement (2) Declaration of Intention and (3) Holy Matrimony Information that should be returned to the Parish Administrator as soon as possible.

4. Return the Facility Rental Agreement Form and deposit to confirm your reservation. Please complete a separate form for each event (i.e., wedding, reception, rehearsal dinner, etc.)

5. Premarital counseling with the Rector and mentoring by one of our Marriage Mentor couples is required.

6. If you wish to use St. Peter’s parish hall (i.e., McCray Hall) for your reception, please see the Guidelines for the Use of Facilities.

7. It is the wedding couple’s responsibility to prepare, print and distribute the Wedding Bulletin, if one is desired. Please send a copy of your bulletin to the Rector for his approval at least two weeks before the wedding date. See Wedding Bulletin Guidelines.

8. Your Marriage License must be turned in to the Parish Administrator at least one week before the wedding date.

9. We ask you to remember that this is a “working church,” not a stage setting. Note: Nothing may be moved in the Sanctuary without permission of the rector. Please ask permission before moving anything in the rest of the building.

10. You will need to discuss photography with the Rector. No flash pictures may be taken during the service. (This needs to be printed in your bulletin.) Video cameras may be used if they are kept in a stationary position in the balcony, and non-flash photographs may be taken in the same manner. Please advise your photographer to respect these guidelines, which are in effect to maintain an atmosphere of both worship and decorum during your wedding.

11. Under no circumstances can rice, birdseed, flower petals, or anything else be thrown or dropped on the premises of St. Peter’s Church.

12. Questions pertaining to church policy should be asked of the Rector, directly, or through the Parish Administrator.

13. All State and Local COVID-19 policies at the time of the event will be upheld.


1. Contact the Wedding Coordinator for the Altar Guild, Chris Lafferty as soon as the wedding date is confirmed. You will need to schedule an appointment to meet with her to discuss wedding details: flowers, decorations, what St. Peter’s has available for use, and what we can do to assist you.

2. The Wedding Coordinator (or member of the Altar Guild) will be present to assist at the rehearsal and the wedding.

3. Artificial flowers are not permitted.

4. Flowers may not be placed on the altar itself, as the use of the altar should be in keeping with the sanctity associated with the Eucharist. Flowers are placed behind the Altar (on the wall brackets).

5. If you are using a local florist, the Altar Guild will loan St. Peter’s vases for the bride to take to the florist to arrange the flowers, otherwise, the florist may arrange them in the church.

6. Note: Flowers placed behind the Altar (on the wall brackets) are considered a gift to the church and will remain there for services the following Sunday with an acknowledgment of your wedding in the church bulletin.


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church enjoys a tradition of excellence in music, which it wishes to maintain in all liturgical events that involve music, including weddings. The Director of Music is responsible for the music at all church services. Weddings are regarded as worship services, and the selected music must be in keeping with a service of worship.

1. Contact St. Peter’s Director of Music, Andrew McGinley as soon as the wedding date is confirmed and schedule an appointment to discuss the music details for your wedding.
2. The Director of Music, in consultation with the clergy, approves all musical selections used in a wedding.
3. Secular music and recorded music are not appropriate in a worship service, including weddings.
4. The Director of Music will be able to provide you with a list of possible organists. Music fees are at the discretion of the musician and will be paid directly to him/her.



  • A deposit of 50% is due with the completed Facility Use Agreement Form.
  • All fees are due two weeks prior to a wedding or other event.
  • Rentals that fall outside the general categories below (e.g., use of classrooms or the nursery rooms) should be negotiated with staff. There may be additional custodial fees.
  • Questions pertaining to fees should be directed to Wanda Juraschek, Parish Administrator.
  • All fees are based on the following allotted times:
    • Wedding Rehearsal – one (1) hour
    • Wedding Ceremony – four (4) hours [two (2) hours before ceremony and two (2) hours after the beginning of the ceremony]
    • Wedding Reception (if using McCray Hall) – four (4) hours after the beginning of the ceremony

Please be punctual and plan your wedding rehearsal and ceremony times thoughtfully. Additional charges may apply for additional time beyond those stated above.

Sanctuary Fee and rooms for dressing – Applies to non-membersN/A$600
Parish Hall Fee for reception – Applies to non-membersN/A$200
Sanctuary Custodial Fee – Applies to everyone$100$100
Parish Hall Custodial Fee – Applies to everyone$100$100
Wedding Coordinator Fee – Applies to everyone$200$200

All Checks should be make payable to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.

Minister:  No fee.  Any gift you would like to give is at your discretion.  Such gifts often range from $100-300.  Checks may be made payable to:  The Rev. Thomas W. Simmons IV

Occupancy Information

The Sanctuary can comfortably seat 225 people, with an additional 40 in the balcony.

McCray Hall can accommodate:

  • 375 Standing
  • 267 Chairs Only
  • 125 Tables and Chairs

Forms and additional information for weddings:

Declaration of Intent to Marry
Holy Matrimony Information
Facility Rental Agreement
Facility Use Guidelines
Alcohol Policy
Wedding Bulletin Guidelines
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