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St. Pete’s Weekly | 2024-12-21

Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Please join us on Sunday, for Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:30 AM Services are also available online at Live Stream


Welcome! Whatever your religious background, and however you have come to be here, we’re glad to have you join in our praises of God today.  We hope you will feel comfortable here and fulfilled and strengthened spiritually to meet the challenges of your daily life.


  • For Mark, our Bishop
  • For Tom, our Rector
  • In our Parish Cycle of Prayer, we pray for our Tellers
  • In the Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer, we pray for The Church of the Province of Uganda
  • In the Diocesan Cycle of prayer, we pray for St. Matthew’s Church, Richmond
  • For Persecuted Christians in Bhutan
  • For our President, Joe, Congress, and Judges
  • For our Governor, Glenn
  • In our Community Cycle of Prayer, we pray for our Local Press & Writers
  • For U.S. troops throughout the world, our foreign service personnel, and contractors
  • For those who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other conflicts and are suffering from posttraumatic stress
  • For our Federal, State, & Local Police Officers and Loudoun Valley fire and Rescue Departments
  • For the special needs and concerns of this congregation, especially Stuart Auld; Geri Booras; Carrie Marie Burden; Gary Cogle; Pepper Darlington; Alison Davis; Nancy Dillon; Ken Foreman; Bill Geiger; Jennifer House; Gail Hunt; Jo May Ives; Ted & Hollie Kambrod; Steve Koss; Becky Loker; Winifred Love; Grace O’Hara; Phelan & Smith Family; Captain Dale Reed; Lovette Sie; Richard Simonson; Jim Smith; Randy Stoutenburgh; Margaret Thomas; George Thompson; The Bomar Family; The Stiles Family; Sarah & Dick Webster; Ken & Carol; Kevin; Jackie; Sean & Libby; and Vanessa, and all those who suffer from any grief or trouble.

PRAYER NEEDS: Individuals and families may choose to have their names placed on the public and/or private prayer lists. The names on the public prayer list are included during the Prayers of the People during worship on Sunday and in the bulletin.  St. Peter’s Prayer Quilt members pray for the people on the private list.  Names are listed for four weeks. If you would like someone to remain on our list, please send us an update every 4 weeks.

NEW WAYS TO PRAY!   We have been doing a lot of praying in new ways this year.  Consider joining us or making use of any, or all, of the opportunities below –

  • Sweet Hour of Prayer every Wednesday at 10:30 with seven of us regularly gathering.
  • Using our new Prayer Cards on the first Sunday during prayers of the people.
  • Turning the altar in the Chapel into our Prayer Altar, covered with new prayer requests.
  • The Vestry is incorporating praying together into our Strategic Plan and into Vestry meetings.
  • And the latest: Gathering an intercessor team to pray for people in-person after church on Sundays. Once the crowd has left the Nave, they’d be happy to meet with you discreetly one-on-one to pray with you.


BULLETIN DEADLINE – Please submit all announcements for the Sunday Bulletin by noon on Wednesday to ensure inclusion in the upcoming bulletin.  Send announcements to

2025 PLEDGE CARDS – If you haven’t yet completed a pledge card for 2025, there are some in the narthex.  Drop your completed card in the collection plate, put it in the Bookkeeper’s drawer upstairs or mail it to the church.


  • Family Christmas Eve – Dec. 24, 5:00 pm
  • Festival Prelude Music – Dec. 24, 10:30 pm
  • Candlelight Holy Eucharist – Dec. 24, 11:00 pm
  • Christmas Day Eucharist – Dec. 25, 11:00 am


  • Pageant Rehearsal during class on December 22nd.
  • Dress Rehearsal on Monday, December 23rd from 4:30 – 5:30 PM. (At this rehearsal, kids will have their costumes and we will run through the Pageant in the Sanctuary.)
  • Children should arrive by 4:30 PM on Christmas Eve. The Christmas Pageant will take place on Christmas Eve at the 5:00 PM Family Service.
  • NO Sunday School on December 29th and January 5th.
  • The Nursery will be available onDecember 22nd, January 5th, and January 19th. (More dates to follow.)

MUSIC DIRECTOR COMMITTEE SEARCH WEEKLY UPDATE  – The Music Director Search Committee is excited to begin working on finding our next Director of Music! Check back here every week for updates on our progress!

REQUEST FOR SINGERSHoliday Events & Sunday Mornings @ 8:30. Calling all singers who would like to join on Sundays, as well as for the Blue Christmas service and Christmas services at special service times. Please contact Judi Novak if interested.

CALVARY WOMEN’S GUILD BIBLE READING – Have you thought about your New Year’s resolution yet? The ladies of the Mt. Calvary Guild invite you to start reading through the Bible with us! The Tindale Two-year Bible is broken down into manageable, dated sections that start on January 1st. Each month, Leaders of the Guild will present on an interesting aspect of our readings. If there is enough interest, we will gather mid-month at a member’s home for questions, insights and discovery. Join us each month on the 3rd Monday or drop in whenever you’re able. Friends are more than welcome. If you are interested, please contact Suzanne Klipfel (

LEARNING ABOUT OUR GUATEMALA MISSION TRIPS – January 5th, 2025 @ 4:00-5:30 pm in the Room #201 @ St. Pete’s. People who are interested in going this year, people who may have an interest in the future and any past team member who is willing to share their experiences are invited. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For additional information, contact Steve Schultz at 703-727-2939.

HOPE FOR HOME CHRISTMAS SPONSORSHIPS – Hope for Home is a collection of homes that provide care for and minister disabled children and adults in Guatemala and Liberia.  St. Pete’s has been a critical part of their mission for several years.  We sponsor two children every month and we also visit them during our mission trip in June.  The need is great there and funds are limited.  They need our help in making Christmas a special celebration this year.   Please consider sponsoring a child throughout the year and/or making a special donation to help make their Christmas a little brighter.  Donations can be made directly on their website ( or make check payable to St. Peter’s and put “Hope for Home” in the memo line.


MASTERING THE BIBLE STUDY CLASS –We meet after the service in the Rector’s Office. Let’s master the bible together! Based on the book “Brief Insights on Mastering the Bible” by Michael S. Heiser.

GRACE THROUGH THE EYES OF JESUS BIBLE STUDY –Please join us at 11:15 on Sunday mornings for this SeeJesus interactive Bible study based on stories from the Gospel of Luke. This study “…allows participants to absorb the Scriptures through engaging questions, theological insights, useful charts, and interesting historical backgrounds centered around the truth of the gospel.  There is no more practical way to be transformed by the doctrine of grace than to learn it from our Redeemer, Jesus.” Contact Maggie Snyder at

ADULT FORMATION: FIGHT FOR SOULS – Share a meal, share the gospel. If you desire to do what Jesus says, consider joining the Fight for Souls group!

“I am the door.  If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.  I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.  I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep and am known by My own.  As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father and I lay down My life for the sheep.” -John 10:9, 11, 14-15

“For you were like sheep going astray but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”  1 Peter 2:25

“He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm and carry them in His bosom and gently lead those who are with young.” Is. 40:11

Good Shepherd, watch over us today in all we face and experience.  Never leave us or forsake us and journey with us always. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.