St. Pete’s Weekly | 2024-10-6

Readings for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Genesis 2:18-24
Psalm 8
Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12
Mark 10:2-16

Please join us on Sunday, for Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:30 AM Services are also available online at Live Stream


Welcome! Whatever your religious background, and however you have come to be here, we’re glad to have you join in our praises of God today.  We hope you will feel comfortable here and fulfilled and strengthened spiritually to meet the challenges of your daily life.


  • For Mark, our Bishop
  • For Tom, our Rector
  • In our Parish Cycle of Prayer, we pray for our Children’s Chapel Leaders
  • For The Anglican Church of Canada
  • In the Diocesan Cycle of prayer, we pray for St. Thomas Church, Orange
  • For Persecuted Christians in Bangladesh
  • For our President, Joe, Congress, and Judges
  • For our Governor, Glenn
  • In our Community Cycle of Prayer, we pray for our Planning Administrators
  • For U.S. troops throughout the world, our foreign service personnel and contractors
  • For those who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other conflicts and are suffering from posttraumatic stress
  • For our Federal, State, & Local Police Officers & Loudoun Valley Fire and Rescue
  • For the special needs and concerns of this congregation, especially for Gary Cogle; Pepper Darlington; Alison Davis; Nancy Dillon; Estella Hill; Gail Hunt; Jo May Ives; Steve Koss; Brad Lafferty; Becky Loker; Winifred Love; Betsy North; Grace O’Hara; Phelan & Smith Family; Richard Simonson; Jim Smith; The Bomar Family; The Stiles Family; Sarah & Dick Webster; Ellie; Kevin; Lucas; Paul; Reid & Pat; Sean & Libby; Stephen; Tracy, and Vanessa, and all those who suffer from any grief or trouble.

PRAYER NEEDS: Individuals and families may choose to have their names placed on the public and/or private prayer lists. The names on the public prayer list are included during the Prayers of the People during worship on Sunday and in the bulletin.  St. Peter’s Prayer Quilt members pray for the people on the private list.  Names are listed for four weeks. If you would like someone to remain on our list, please send us an update every 4 weeks.

NEW WAYS TO PRAY!   We have been doing a lot of praying in new ways this year.  Consider joining us or making use of any, or all, of the opportunities below –

  • Sweet Hour of Prayer every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. with seven of us regularly gathering.
  • Using our new Prayer Cards on the first Sunday during prayers of the people.
  • Turning the altar in the Chapel into our Prayer Altar, covered with new prayer requests.
  • The Vestry is incorporating praying together into our Strategic Plan and into Vestry meetings.
  • And the latest: Gathering an intercessor team to pray for people in-person after church on Sundays. Once the crowd has left the Nave, they’d be happy to meet with you discreetly one-on-one to pray with you.



BULLETIN DEADLINE – Please submit all announcements for the Sunday Bulletin by noon on Wednesday to ensure inclusion in the upcoming bulletin.  Send announcements to

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! – We are looking for a parishioner with graphic design experience to help with a few small projects, as well as anyone with an interest in Audiovisual work in order to expand our AV team and join Josh & Sonny. If interested, please contact Paula Simpson at

PLANT AND BAKE SALE – October 12th @ 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the Tree of Life Parking Lot. The Mt Calvary Women’s Guild will be sponsoring a Plant and Bake Sale, along with the Purcellville Tag Sale. All proceeds will be used for Community Outreach. Your contributions of plants and baked goods will be greatly appreciated. We also need volunteers to help sell at our tables. Please contact Justine Phelan, 571-577-1749 or – Baked Items, or Mari Campbell, 703-283-5092 phone/text – Plants.

TOL 5K RACE – October 19th @ Patrick Henry College. Tree of Life is hosting its first ever 5k race (run/walk). Church teams would be a wonderful addition to the day! Early bird registration rates are available through 9/21. For more information see or, Instagram: @tolministries

WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP MEETING – October 19th @ 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Location TBD. Bread making w/ Darla! Come learn how to make some delicious bread; soup lunch will be provided. Any questions: please reach out to Deana Czaban (

CALVARY WOMEN’S GUILD MEETING – October 21st @ 10:00 a.m. at St. Pete’s for fellowship and Bible study. Please contact Suzanne Klipfel with any questions (

TGIF MEN’S NIGHT – Friday, October 25th @ 8:00 p.m. at the home of Dell Nunaley (331 W I street, Purcellville, 20132).  As usual, bring a friend or neighbor. Any questions please contact Steve Schultz at 703-727-2939.

SAVE THE DATE FOR 1 ST ANNUAL CHILI DINNER – Saturday, October 26th @ St. Pete’s, 6:00 p.m.


ST.PETE’S 101October 13th @ 11:00 a.m. (Please note, we will not meet on October 6th.) We offer our “Path In” to the life of St Peter’s on Sunday mornings in the library. If you are new here at St Peter’s, you know that starting new is hard to do. Do you have questions about living as a Christian or the distinctive way we do it here at St. Peter’s?  For four weeks we will help you explore what we are about here at St Peter’s and how we live and work together as a congregation.

ADULT FORMATION: FIGHT FOR SOULS – Share a meal, share the gospel. If you desire to do what Jesus says, consider joining the Fight for Souls group!

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”  Mark 1:17

“So, as the Holy Spirit says: ‘Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.” Heb. 7-8; also Ps. 95:8

“Direct my thoughts, words and work.  Wash away my sins in the immaculate Blood of the Lamb and purge my heart by the Holy Spirit.  Daily frame me more and more in the likeness of thy Son, Jesus Christ.” George Washington, in his prayer book

Next meeting will be October 13th @ 5:00 p.m. at the home of Mark & Judi Novak

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