
The Rev. Dr. Tom Simmons
Tom grew up in Fairfax, Virginia, and lives in Purcellville, where he has served as Rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church since 2002. A priest since 1998, Tom earned the M.Div. from Westminster Seminary and the M.A. in Christian Education from Virginia Seminary. He was awarded the D.Min. in preaching from Gordon-Conwell Seminary, where he studied under legendary preacher, Haddon Robinson.
Tom is active in the community as Chaplain for the Purcellville Volunteer Rescue Squad and on the Board of INOVA Loudoun Hospital. He also serves as Secretary on the Board of Coaching Mission International, a non-profit dedicated to providing coaching services for front-line missionaries. From his doctoral work, Tom also serves as The Sermon Coach to clergy colleagues, helping them develop their skills and passion for preparing and delivering sermons.
Before giving his life to the Church, Tom served as a machine gunner in the Army and a Capitol Hill staffer in the House and Senate. Tom loves woodworking, learning, playing strategy games, shooting, preaching, and delights in seeing people’s lives change for the better.
His personal mission is: Empower the church to change the world. He seeks to do that by lifting up Jesus Christ among the people of St. Pete’s, above all counterfeit gods, so that they can receive what he has promised and be equipped to give it to others “to the ends of the earth.”
He is dad to George, Henry, Posey, Mary Virginia, and Sarah Jane.

Mrs. Kathleen Voss
Director of Children's Ministries
Kathleen Voss has been at St. Peter’s as the Director of Children’s Ministry since 2012. While at St. Peter’s, she has continued to grow the Sunday School program for both elementary and middle school-aged students. Her team offers a comprehensive Children’s Chapel opportunity for elementary students during the school year and an exciting VBS program over the summer. In addition to educational programs, the Ministry also hosts a festive Christmas Pageant and Easter Egg hunt each year!
Kathleen is originally from Rhode Island and attended Salve Regina University. She resides in Hillsboro with her husband Kyle and two daughters.

Chris & Michelle Hunt
Youth Ministers
Chris and Michelle Hunt are excited to take on their new role as youth Ministers at St. Petes. Chris grew up here at St. Pete’s and returned after college to begin his career locally as a production manager for a major faith based non-profit in our community. Soon after, Chris met Michelle and brought her into the St. Pete’s community. Michelle is an Occupational Therapist at the Arc of Loudoun serving children with special needs. They enjoy traveling, working on their house, cooking together, and playing with their pup, Taco! They are very excited to connect with the teens at St. Pete’s, share and grow with Jesus, and provided fun activities to build community in the church!

Ms. Paula Simpson
Parish & Finance Administrator
She’s happy to be here and finds it a refreshing break from the challenges of tax preparation. “I’m so pleased everyone has been very patient with me.”

Mrs. Mel Hanzel
Assistant Parish Administrator

Mr. John Perleoni
While at Saint Michael’s, John joined ROTC and, after graduation, entered the Air Force in 1981. He completed pilot training in April 1982 and flew as a pilot in the Air Force for 20 years, retiring in 2001 with the rank of Lt Col. In the same year, he was hired by American Airlines and flew numerous airplanes until his retirement in March 2020.
Throughout his life, John has attended churches around the world, mostly Catholic. He began attending St. Peter’s with his wife, Cyndy, with whom he recently celebrated 37 years of marriage. John was drawn to St. Peter’s by Fr. Tom’s messages and the welcoming community of parishioners.
John helped Fr. Tom build doors for the church and was later asked to fill in as Sexton, a role he accepted. Known for his dedication to helping others and giving back, John, now with more free time, saw this as a natural next step to continue his service to the community.
The vestry (lay leadership of the parish) is elected each May to serve three-year terms. The Treasurer and Register may be vestry members but are not required to be. The vestry, together with the rector, provides leadership of our ministries. Contact information for individual vestry members is available in Realm.

Rob Smith
Senior Warden
Term Ends 2025

Deana Czaban
Junior Warden
Term Ends 2026

Jen Casey
Term Ends 2025

Marcia Davis
Term Ends 2027

Pepper Darlington

Jim Heim
Term Ends 2027
St. Peter’s Ministry Organization
Our ministries are organized as shown: