
Nursery Care

St. Peter’s Nursery will be open on Sundays from 9:30 am to approximately 10:45 am, coinciding with the end of the service. Our nursery provides a safe and nurturing environment for young children, allowing parents to participate fully in the worship service. Under the dedicated leadership of Kathleen Voss, our Director of Children’s Ministries, the nursery ensures that each child receives attentive care and engaging activities. For more information or any questions, please feel free to contact Kathleen Voss.

Sunday School (K – 10th Grade)

Jesus said “Let the little children come to me.” When kids are baptized, we pledge to do “all in our power to support this child and their new life in Christ.” We love and nurture each child to grow into their full stature in Christ.

Please register your child(ren) for in-person Sunday School classes for grades K-10th. Our Sunday School program offers a vibrant and enriching experience for children to learn and grow in their faith. For the safety and well-being of all, please keep your child at home if they show any signs of illness. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Elementary K – 5th Grade classes – meets at 9:30 – 10:15am

We use a rich and practical that cover the basic Bible stories every Christian should know, along with church history, seasons of the church year, Episcopal Church traditions, and the sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist. It helps children practice their faith in prayer and action. Each lesson is presented in an age-appropriate way, so your child leaves class with the whole story. Children will hear messages from the Old and New Testament.

Youth Class (Grades 6-10th) – meets at 9:00 – 9:30am

Our Youth School children follow a curriculum that assists young people as they begin to take the first steps of independence from their families into their own lives. During these three years, the community acknowledges the gift of gender, celebrates the amazing creative power and potential of these young people, and creates a safe haven in which to explore new ideas, new interests, and new abilities. With Jesus as our model, we seek to examine and strengthen all aspects of our human experience.


This ministry runs on volunteer effort. Please be on the “look-out” for opportunities to share in your child’s Christian education. Sunday School Teachers & Aides, Vacation Bible School Teachers, and Guides are just a few of the areas that require helping hands and big hearts! Any time that you can give is invaluable. Training is provided. Contact Kathleen Voss.

Our Mission

  • To teach children how God’s promises of salvation are woven into our lives.
  • To teach children the way of Christ, not only in the church but also in the world as Christ’s ambassadors.
  • To give children a solid grounding for future youth formation programs, preparing them for Christian adulthood.
  • To foster the spiritual formation and growth of our children in Christ’s love and mercy and to teach the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation.

In case of Inclement Weather: The need to cancel formation on Sunday Morning will be determined the Saturday evening before, by 10 PM. We will send out a notification email to Sunday School parents or you can check our website.

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