
At Confirmation, those who have been baptized make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to live out their Baptismal promises, as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP, 412). This significant step in their spiritual journey involves a deepening of their relationship with God and the church community. Confirmands engage in a period of learning, prayer, and discernment, guided by clergy and lay leaders. This preparation helps them to understand the responsibilities and joys of their faith, equipping them to fully embrace their role within the Episcopal Church.

The culmination of this preparation is the Confirmation service, where a bishop lays their hands on each confirmand and confirms them. This sacramental act is a powerful moment of blessing and empowerment, symbolizing the confirmand’s strengthened bond with God and the church. At St. Peter’s, we host confirmation classes throughout the year to ensure that all who wish to be confirmed receive the guidance and support they need. These classes provide a nurturing environment for individuals to explore their faith, ask questions, and grow in their spiritual journey alongside others.

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